What Payment Gateways are supported by Jurny?

Jurny provides seamless payment processing to enhance your booking experience. Our platform supports two major payment gateways, Stripe and Lynnbrook, each offering unique features and pricing structures.

Getting Started

Discover hassle-free transactions with Jurny! Choose between Stripe's transparent 3% fee or Lynnbrook's flexible pricing. For Lynnbrook's detailed fees, contact their customer support. Elevate your booking experience with Jurny's supported payment gateways.

Supported Payment Gateways


Stripe is a widely-used payment gateway known for its simplicity and reliability. It charges a flat 3% fee per transaction, making it transparent and easy to calculate.

Learn how to set up Stripe by following this step-by-step guide.


Lynnbrook is another trusted payment gateway supported by Jurny. Unlike Stripe, Lynnbrook's fees vary based on factors such as card type, industry, ticket size, and transaction volume. For precise details, we recommend reaching out to Lynnbrook's customer support.

Reach out to Lynnbrok's customer support team from here

If you want to set up Lynnbrook on your account, please, ask your onboarding representative and share your Lynnbrook's Target ID. We will do the connection from our end.

Important considerations

If you are planning to use Autohost, please, be advised that Autohost doesn't support Lynnbrook and you will need to use Stripe.

Learn more about Autohost and how you can set it up on Jurny here

If you have any questions at all, let us know! Feel free to reach out at support@jurny.com and we will be happy to help.